This is me… I’m Katie… well technically its Kathryn, but only my mother & people who read my name off of official forms call me that. So don’t.
I’m 35, although I’ll tell you 25… I have 5 children ranging in age from almost 19 to age 6, 1 grandchild that is almost 1, (courtesy of the oldest… the sex talk didn’t work so well) and I just recently entered into my second marriage. My current husband is 12 years my junior, making him 23. So I guess you could say I gained another child, I just didn’t have to give birth to him & he came potty trained.
My Life Story In A Nutshell: (why do they say in a nutshell anyway?)
Born in August of 1976, bicentennial baby, 3 brothers, 2 older, 1 younger. Lost oldest brother in a house fire at age 9 (he was 9… I was 5), parents then divorced. Fairly normal childhood considering my parents were divorced, lived with mom, dad’s house on weekends… moved in with dad in High School. Got pregnant at 15, had son at 16, boyfriend moved in, had second child at almost 18, 4 days before HS graduation (but I DID graduate TYVM), few years later came child 3, got married, had 2 more kids… Loved husband but things were rocky, separated… started seeing someone, lost job because I was seeing that someone (oops… can’t date your subordinates)… divorce final, re-married.
Obviously in the middle of all of that was working, raising kids, relationship stuff with my ex-husband (who is still a very good friend), becoming a grandmother at 34, and relationship stuff with my current husband.
Welcome to my world… I’m the Goddess Bitch In Charge…
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